Friday, August 20, 2021

Lupus and life after the Pfizer Vaccine August 19, 2021

Life for me after my second Pfizer vaccine taken back in April 2021.  I felt some aches and a small headache but it all went away after taking Tylenol.  I had no other side effects.  

After that was done,  I then got out there as things started opening up.  I have gone to outdoor baseball games, the county fair, and shopping at Costco and grocery stores.  It took awhile to take my mask off at the gym but I did.  I flew to visit my children and grandkids in Washington DC and Georgia. Everyone wore mask at the airports and areas as required with no issues. Flying was the hardest thing for me  to do.  I got claustrophobic and started hyperventilating in the airplane.  I can’t wear a mask too long as I can’t breathe as easy my lungs don’t work 100%.   I ended up taking a 24 hour Dramamine that helped me semi relax but it was very stressful with lots of anxiety. 

Well that was then and this is now. As cases are increasing I have cancelled my next vacation plans to Texas to visit my Mom and family.  It’s too risky for me to take that chance. I have stopped going to the gym.  I avoid indoor activities if crowded if not crowded I go in with my mask on. I never stopped using my hand sanitizer.  

I’m started to worry as my grandkids just started school and if I want to interact with them or not right away.  I am really concerned about it.  I am just getting over having bronchitis. I took a Covid test which was negative. But I’m still coughing and the new antibiotics Ceflin given to me doesn’t really  seem to work. All of a sudden my doctor said he can’t prescribe me the Z-Pak anymore. They say it causes heart palpitations in Lupus patients taking Plaquinel.  I am taking Mucinex DM for my cough for now seems to help some. 

For now I am still on the Keto diet and my husband has joined in. It’s easier as I only have to plan to cook one meal. I also stopped drinking any alcohol, not that I drank much, but I feel better and it wasn’t worth getting those bad headaches after a glass of wine or a beer.  My husband followed suit too so that was a plus.  I have lost weight and I feel healthy about it. We don’t eat out, no fast food anymore. We love to cook and grill and bake our own food. We eat the clean Keto so salmon, grass fed meat, pasture free eggs, almonds, almond milk, coconut oils, and I bake almond bread, we use spinach tortillas and have lots of salads with spinach, kale and all the  fresh veggies.  Eating out is no fun anymore as the food doesn’t taste as fresh and it’s expensive. The service is also so-so.  Just not worth it. I can say I feel a lot better now. I’m healthier, I sleep better, my energy is up and I’m more active. I don’t have any joint pains, inflammation or any flares.  

Last thing to share is I negotiated with my Boss to stay working from home remotely from now on. I’ve been working for over 25 years driving to and from work. My drive was so stressful one hour drive back and forth and lots of road rage and stress with other cars cutting me off or not letting me merge in.  Overall this was the greatest blessing for my continued health and well-being.

I plan on getting the 3rd booster vaccine and have no doubt in my mind on getting it. I already got my pneumonia vaccine last month and plan to get my flu shot next month. I discuss everything with my primary doctor.  I know my body. I don’t agree with everything and I hear all sides and I make my own decision based on science and facts. 

Until next blog…..

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