Monday, August 9, 2010

August 9, 2010 New Pain Med/Insomnia

Now that I feel better, I don't have much to complain about. When I feel bad I feel like I should get in here and write about it because then the emotions and feelings are real when they are happening. I wish I had a personal assistant that I could just tell to take a note and to also help remind me to talk to my doctor about it before I forget. I'm so forgetful about everything nowadays, I know I will forget what I just went through last week and by then I don't want to even bother to bring it up anymore because it's now behind me and I'd like to keep it that way. It's like now you're good, keep the positive momentum going.

But I know I need to now talk to him that my other pain med is no longer working 24 hours like it used to. I don't want to head towards another medication, I want to just keep the three meds I am taking now PLEASE!!

I ended up last week going to see my regular family doctor since my Rheumy was out on vacation and he offered to put me on something "stronger". He said it was less potent than Vicodin, called Tramadol (Ultram) low dose 50 mg. Big mistake, I was in an out of a mind daze and extreme nausea for hours and even though it did help numb my major back pain, it's not worth the side effects. I've also had really bad insomnia this past week, I think I've only slept a total of 11 hours these past 4 days. I can't get a deep sleep. My brain just doesn't shut off and keeps going and going no matter if I closed my eyes and toss and turn to get some sleep..just not happening.

So now I've got two more issues to talk to my Rheumy in September, is there something stronger than Naproxen 500 mg for my back pain and for the joint pain causing the numbness in my hands and legs again. What about sleeping pills? I don't want to add more to my list but not sleeping 4 days, and if more adding, it's going to catch up with me and I don't think in a very good way. I've also lost my appetite here and there which is okay as far as the weight department goes, but I know it's not normal or healthy for me to be that way.

The positive things I've done to try to help myself, not sure if it works or not but thought it couldn't hurt. I finally bought me a crossword puzzle book, to help my brain figure things out, these used to be so easy for me before. Now,...not so easy. I gave up on the Sudoku I also bought, my brain just doesn't get it..I was that 4.0 student with honors,I absorbed things like a sponge, now it doesn't feel that way anymore. I also started taking some vitamins, even though my Rheumy hasn't talked to me about taking any. I just thought it couldn't hurt, but another thing to talk to him about I guess when I see him just to make sure. I read so much information on the Internet, from what you hear on the news and from friends and family telling you so much stuff, it's confusing on what is or isn't good for you anymore.

Missed another day and 1/2 work last week due to major back pain (couldn't even walk, sit or drive) then had to recover from the new pain meds the next day to get it out of my system. I thought it was my right kidney that was causing the pain, doctor checked urine sample, said not my kidneys, which is still the best thing to hear.

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