Saturday, January 7, 2017


I was running out of room in my last blog...but I will end this blog with how my life has changed. I met my husband Doug in September 2012 (online dating) we married in January of 2014. My daughter also got married in October of 2013 and I have a 3 year old granddaughter Aly who is the light of my heart! My daughter is expecting my 2nd granddaughter this month on January 19th.  Again my heart is just overwhelmed with happiness!  My daughter has her own home, her husband is wonderful to her and she a a stay home Mom. Her diabetes is under control and to date we are thankful to God there have been no issues and pray only for future blessings of the same!

My son has been in the Air Force and will soon be done for his six years enlistment.  He is now married to a wonderful young lady and is living in Montana.  He too is now buying his first home and will later be giving me some more beautiful grand-babies!  He plans to join the police force and sadly but happily (bittersweet) will stay and live and work in Montana.  But my husband and I love to go visit, it truly is "God's Country" and the fishing is great and so relaxing out there!

I too now own a home thankfully to my husband's sacrifice he too was in the Navy and with his VA loan we now have a beautiful home of our own.  Our grand-kids and kids love to visit us and our friends too as it is the party house with a pool and spa.  I could not be more thankful and blessed with my life right now.

As I look back now on the years of my life living with Lupus from day one, I can only say, you do not know the future journey of your life and what it will be like and who will be there to hold your hand.   I did not want to be in a relationship or get married again.  I did not want to be a burden to anyone to take care of me.  I pictured my life and health to only get worse and yes, that I might die sooner.  But you know,  I didn't give up.  I told myself I wouldn't. I took lots of chances, I was blessed with help from others both family and friends along the way.  I made some decisions that others thought were foolish, like moving back to Texas, but I did it and thankfully to my great friend Judy and my son's help, I am back in California.  I opened my heart one more time and met my wonderful husband Doug. He too is a Grandpa and has a son in the Air Force. He too was a single parent raising his two sons on his own.  Yet here we met in California and are both happy and both love each other. We even own a time share my same great friend Judy and her husband Scott sold to us for $1 so my husband and I have been to Hawaii a couple of times now and plan to again this year with my son an his Wife.  

I am so thankful and so blessed.  My husband understands me, and gets me when I'm tired or don't feel good.  He looks out for me and wants to take me to the doctors when I'm sick.  I never thought this could be possible, that I would meet someone that was okay with me having Lupus. Even though I don't think he really understands what Lupus is, he is okay with loving me.  I also got my dog Shadow back last year in July 2016 after 4 years I had missed her everyday.  She is now 10 years old and I am happy to now take care of her in her Senior years.  I can only hope she lives to 15 or 17 years as our other old family dog lived before I had lost our old house.

Living with Lupus has made me aware, not to worry, not to stress, to take one day at a time, and as my husband said, he liked my online profile "Living in the Moment".  I didn't want to blog today to be about all the past medical stuff, but this is why I started this blog.  I still get the bad headaches, bronchitis I get almost every winter year, I still get the back and neck pain.  My legs and hands still get numb when I try to sleep tossing and turning at night.  I have another new symptom, memory loss, and confusion.  I am now making mistakes at work (I'm a perfectionist so this worries me) and I also have mood swings.  My husband and daughter say I say things, some mean, that I don't remember saying.  I am getting this checked out not sure if this is just a passing thing and just need Vitamin D or B12 to help with memory loss, and dementia doesn't run in my family, at least I don't think so as I don't know my sperm donor side. (my parents divorced with I was a baby) I can say I luckily have not had a flare. I mean a bad one to put me in the hospital.   I am down to one Plaquenil a day as my Rhemu recommended (he is retired now) he said the medication itself is poison and would kill my liver off eventually.  I do go out in the sun but know my limit and bathe myself in sunscreen, wear hats, and long sleeves which I hate and feel I look like a weirdo in the beach or lake but I do it so I won't get sick.  I distant myself from drama and stress with family or certain people that make me feel uncomfortable.  I rest when I need to and call in sick (without pay) when  I need a break or feel pain that might provoke a flare.  I have gained weight back but I'm the same as when I first got Lupus but wished I could loose.  I have started bike riding again with my husband and swim now at our new home so I have goals this year as others do to lose weight (ha-ha) but for sure this year I will!

Here we are years later and I can truly say I have been blessed.  I try not to think too far ahead, how many more years I will live to.  My Mom is 89 years old and I will be 50 to think I could live another 39 years would be wonderful but I don't know that, I can only wish it could be.  

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